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Sunday 7 March 2010

143 Ragazzi modi (1)

Nonna came to live with us. My elder brother had to give up his room for our grandmother and he had to share a room with his younger brothers. He didn't like that at all. Nostra Madre argued he'd better go for the girls and find himself a bride. He knew she was right. He was 18 and - to the standards of that time - ready to have a family of his own. I still comforted him sometimes, but he was in need for more than a hand- or a blowjob. We both knew I couldn't give him that. What we did was wrong, but more would even be worse.

Now there was Magdalena. A girl from Greece who had come to live in our street. She was gordeous and my brother was in love with her from the first moment he saw her. And we soon found out he wasn't the only one. Actually, everyone was impressed by her looks and sex appeal. When she was at the beach, all the boys would be there as well ...

... to be continued ...