One time while staying over at Giovanni's apartment after a night on the town together, Ricardo groggily got up off his couch in the middle of night to take a leak. Now Giovanni's place was a kind of studio, so his bed was in the same room as the couch Ricardo was sleeping on. He got up, and instead of walking to the bathroom which was closer and available, he walked to the kitchen sink, peed in it, ran the water and stumbled back to sleep. Giovanni witnessed the whole affair aghast from his bed. Ricardo hadn't realized what he'd done until he got back to the couch. It was such a normal thing for him to do at his place (where the kitchen sink was much closer than the bathroom toilet) that he was just running on sleepy auto-pilot.
Ricardo hasn't peed in the sink eversince. Why? It's unnecessary and it's disrespectfull for other people's wishes and sensibilities. Okay. But what guys do at their own place? Who cares.

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