His thigh muscles flexed. It was ‘do or die time. I opened my mouth wide holding my breath raising his cock just a little higher. The head of my brother’s dick entered my mouth. Ever so slowly I allowed my lips to circumnavigate his knob. He oozed softly sighing. The tip of my tongue gingerly poked his pee-hole. He oozed again rewarding me for my cocksucking effort. My warm fingertip stirred his plump balls making him ooze again as I tenderly sucked his knob. He oozed even more than he had previously. It tasted awesome. I puckered my lips very slowly sucking his knob feeling my lips riding over his swollen cock bulb. He continued oozing and I could hear him lightly moaning. I continued tantalizing his sweet knob with my hot lips ever so slowly moving my head back and forth just a little.
The top of his knob grazed the roof of my mouth as I allowed more of his cock entry. My lips could feel a few of his pulsating cock veins pumping blood thru them. I continued to tenderly nurse my brother’s cock until his body twisted. I pulled my head off my brother’s prick. He had tossed his left arm behind him, his elbow digging into the couch. He groaned and then he grunted.
Charitably, I sucked his right plump ball. I had to suck his left nut also, I just had to. Gracefully, after sucking his right nut, I allowed it roll off of my bottom lip using my warm fingertip to move his left nut forward. Tactfully, I got my brother’s left testicle into my mouth. I rolled it around listening to his soft moaning. His left leg moved. His knee almost slapped the side of my chin but I used my right elbow to hold his knee from doing so. He stretched out his left leg.
When I pulled my head off my brother’s nuts I stared at the head of his gorgeous cock. He had oozed a couple of times. Some of his precum was touching his hard rippled abs. I raised his cock turning my head. I licked his lower abdomen before turning my head inserting the head of his swollen prick into my hot oral cavity.

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