Women generally want biggish penises, but not too big. I would say that if yours is between 7 and 8 inches erect with corresponding girth you can satisfy 80-90% of females size "requirements". My former husband had a 7" penis and I have never had trouble being satisfied. Het told me his rod had in fact been too long for a couple of women who complained of pain when inserted fully (that happened before he married me).
The average penis is between 5 and 7 inches. About 60% of men fall in that range; 20% are smaller and 20% are larger. Fewer than 10% of men have a penis larger than 8 inches. So for all those women (or men) who need a penis larger than 7 inches, or if they make that a priority, they are really limiting themselves in the choice of a mate. That's just statistics.

These guys look pleased with their big cocks. I would say that the average cock of 5-7 inches can satisfy most women... providing the foreplay and afterplay techniques are good!